The Term "Music Therapy"
Within the field of music therapy, music can be used as a means of therapy, or a method in therapy. When using music as therapy, the focus is on music and largely based on music theory. When using music in therapy, music in itself is not the main focus. Rather, this form of therapy draws chiefly on non-musical theory, such as developmental psychology and behavioural neuroscience (Paulander, 2011, page 21). The FMT-method uses a combination of these two forms of therapy, but focus lies mainly on the latter - a form of therapy where music is used in therapy, due to that the FMT-method is founded on developmental theories.
In 1997, World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT) formulated an overall definition of music therapy:
"Music therapy is the professional use of music and / or its elements (sound, rhythm, melody, harmony) in a process created to facilitate and promote communication, relationships, learning, movement, expression, organization and other relevant therapeutic goals, to meet physical, emotional, mental, social and cognitive needs.
This form of therapy can be conducted on a one-to-one basis, or in groups. The aim of music therapy is to, through the use of music, provide constructive tools, rehabilitation, or forms of treatment that allow the individual to develop the means to develop or reclaim skills. This, in order to provide the individual with better social relations and an improved quality of life."